The South Jersey Radio Association operates two repeaters in the South Jersey area. Our repeaters are open for public use without restriction.
The K2AA repeater is a FM/ Yaesu System Fusion enabled repeater with WIRES-X and EchoLink capability. The repeater is located on this water tower near Medford, NJ. The height of the water tower is 175 feet, providing nearly a 25-mile range.
The K2UK Repeater located in Pine Hill, NJ is an FM/ Yaesu System Fusion enabled repeater with WIRES-X capabilities providing a range of 30 Miles.
The SJRA hosts numerous nets throughout each month.
Our Net Format is General Discussion with topics and comments selected by stations calling in.
Topics and comments respect all people and comply with FCC rules. Politics and controversial topics are discouraged.
Participation only required a valid license.
Our current repeater is a Yaesu DR-2X 144/ 430 Dual Band C4FM/ FM Digital Repeater. This replaced the former Icom IC-FR5000 repeater that was in operation for many years.
The repeater is currently configured for Auto/Auto Automatic Mode Select (AMS) mode to allow both analog and digital operation.
The AMS function automatically recognizes a signal as C4FM digital or conventional FM, and then the DR-2X repeater retransmits the signal using the preset communications mode.
Repeater System Status
Yaesu System Fusion
Both the K2AA and K2UK repeaters are linked on DN Mode via WIRES-X. This allows our members to communicate on both repeaters expanding our coverage area on System Fusion by 30+ miles.
Each repeater is connected via RF link to a Yaesu HRI-200 node controller. The HRI-200 nodes communicate over the internet which connects allows the repeaters to be parked on the same node, K2AA-SJRA.
By default, both repeaters are connected to the SJRA room. Members can change the room of either repeater to talk to any other room worldwide. We encourage members to take advantage of our WIRES-X setup and have fun. For more information, visit
Please be mindful of drive times and scheduled nets. Common courtesy is expected. Thank you for your cooperation.
The K2AA Repeater is connected to EchoLink via the K2AA-R room. EchoLink allows remote stations to connect to repeaters and conference rooms via Windows/ Mac software or mobile app available for iPhone and Android. The room operates on FM analog only. The node will not function during the Thursday night fusion nets. Our EchoLink room is open to all licensed operators. You do not need to be a member of the SJRA to use our room. You are able to check into our various nets with EchoLink. Please observe the same common courtesies while using our room. For more information, visit