Countdown to Field Day 2024...


Field Day

Field Day is a nationwide celebration of the capability of radio amateurs to help out in crises by providing emergency communications.  Over a two-day period large teams of hams set up their equipment,

communicate with as many as possible other amateur stations, and finish by dismantling and storing equipment for next year.  To be sure Field Day is a hard fought competition, in the strategizing, in the planning, and in the field.  But beyond

competition, it is the best opportunity available to new hams to learn equipment set-up and operation. The lessons learned can be applied not just to FD, but also to home stations, ARES, and special events relying on local communicators.

The event is organized by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), and over 1200 groups in the United States participate.   Field Day was initiated in 1933.

This is a competition that encourages teamwork under truly emergency conditions. South Jersey Radio Association has a tradition of maintaining a substantial emergency communication capability and doing very well in the event. In the 66 years since 1948 SJRA has placed first in its class 38 times, placed second in class 12 times, and finished third four times. To understand the spirit of Field Day for SJRA, take a look at the SJRA Field Day historical information below.

Take a look at the Field Day Operations page to view how the SJRA is participating in Field Day!

Our Field Day site location is 530 Main St. Marlton, NJ 08053. GPS Coordinates are: 39°53’10.0″N 74°53’28.6″W
39.886096, -74.891267


Field Day Results

Site Location- Savich Field