
The South Jersey Radio Association (SJRA) is the oldest continuously operating amateur radio club in the North America, incorporated June 12, 1916. The club has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League since 1920. Our membership is mostly from Burlington and Camden Counties in New Jersey. The club callsign is K2AA.
We have members from many professions and with many different interests in amateur radio, including DXing, contesting, homebrewing, special events, rag chewing, packet, satellites, ATV, public service, etc. You name it, and at least one SJRA member does it!
Click here for a list of the Board of Directors, Officers and Committees

Member Benefits
The SJRA owns two repeaters, K2AA and K2UK. These repeaters are open to anyone with a license. More information on our repeaters can be found here.
We also host many weekly nets, including FM, Yaesu System Fusion, and SSB. Net times and frequencies can be found here.
Membership to the SJRA includes a printed newsletter, known as “Harmonics”. Technical and articles of interest to SJRA members and Amateur Radio are published every monthly. Harmonics is also distributed to all SJRA members in an electronic format. Members can opt out for electronic version only if they so choose. Read about Harmonics here!
We also have a monthly meeting that is open to the public so visitors are always welcome! Our meetings include guest speakers, presentations, equipment demos and help sessions, and an annual holiday party. Our meetings are being held both in-person and virtually via WebEx. Please see our meetings page for more information.
How to Join
Step 1: Register an account with or click “Member Area” above.
Step 2: Log in to HamClubOnline with your account.
Step 3: Click on Apply for Membership and enter in the callsign, K2AA.
Step 4: Fill out an application and submit!
Have a question about joining the club or need assistance with HamClubOnline? Reach out to us with the button below.
We look forward to welcoming you to the SJRA.

Welcome to the SJRA Congratulations on joining us as a new member.
SJRA has a diverse mix of membership that can assist you as you learn more about the hobby. We offer a monthly meeting, along with a virtual version, and a Facebook Group to check on local ham radio activity.
The South Jersey Radio Association (SJRA) is the oldest continuously operating amateur radio club in North America, incorporated June 12, 1916. The club has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League since 1920. Our membership is mostly from Burlington and Camden Counties in New Jersey, we also have members in Utah, Arizona, California , South Dakota, Florida and Ireland.
Welcome to the following New SJRA Members
- KR1KEN Kenneth G Kirk
- N2YAL Mary E Glass
- KE2EJM Camryn L Juelg
- Ethan Barthomolmew
- KE2EIT Jason F Soder
- E2EGE Bonnie M Nuzzi
- N2ICV Michael W Andrescavage Sr
- KE2DBO Anthony Chiarulli Jr
A Diverse Mix of Membership – We have members from many professions and with many different interests in amateur radio, including DXing, contesting, homebrewing, special events, rag chewing, packet, satellites, ATV, public service, Parks on the Air, Low Signal VHF Fox hunts, antenna building. You name it, and at least one SJRA member does it!
It’s Easy to Join the Oldest Club – We use HAM Club online simply register a new account at, log in with your new account and click to apply for membership
Membership Benefits
Free Testing – The South Jersey Radio Association is certified by the Laurel VEC to offer Amateur Radio Examinations for every license class, at no cost whatsoever for the examination
The SJRA owns two repeaters, K2AA and K2UK. These repeaters are open to anyone with a license. More information on our repeaters can be found here.
Weekly Nets We also host many weekly nets, including FM, Yaesu System Fusion, and SSB. Net times and frequencies can be found here.
The SJRA distributes a digital newsletter called the Harmonics which includes Technical and articles of interest . Don’t forget we also publish a Ham Radio themed puzzle which is an all time favorite.
K2AA SJRA Remote Station – all active members have access to our Remote Station which includes HF operation fully remote with an FT991A.
SJRA June Field Day – Field Day is a nationwide celebration of the capability of radio amateurs to help out in crises by providing emergency communications. Over a two-day period large teams of hams set up their equipment,
Easy to Join Virtual Meetings – If you can not attend simply join our virtual meetings. For the WebEx login credentials, please check your email and also the Meeting Calendar Item. Follow our club calendar for the links
SJRA Facebook Group Let’s Get Social – the SJRA hosts a Facebook page focused on community based Ham Radio Activity. Please click on the link to Join our Facebook Group
Monthly Meetings with Unique Program Material – every third Wednesday of the month the SJRA holds a General Club meeting located at The Gibson House, 535 E Main St, Evesham, NJ 08053. It’s a great venue to meet and greet fellow hams, learn about new technologies with our hobby and enjoy refreshments.
Parks on the Air Activations – The SJRA club has several members that are active with the POTA Parks on the Air Program. Check our calendar invite for the most recent scheduled activations.
We encourage all new members to visit our monthly meeting. If you can not attend our meeting physically due to travel, we offer monthly online virtual presentations or catch up on social media. We are glad to have you as a member of the Club and hope to see you regularly at Club meetings, events, and activities.
AA2SD Scott D Membership